Like all businesses Cross Patch incurs shipping charges when we dispatch goods to customers. We are keen to keep these shipping charges as low as possible. Therefore we strive to charge only what we have to pay. To ensure we can continue delivering this service, please ensure you use your correct address details. This avoids unnecessary delays to your order delivery and ensures your goods are delivered as quickly as possible.
We have a simple, easy-to-understand shipping policy. Shipping prices are based on the total cost of goods ordered. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be pleased to answer any questions.
Delivery options to the UK mainland:
Goods to £10. Shipping: £2.00
Goods to £30. Shipping £3.50
Goods to £50. Shipping £5.00
Goods over £50. Shipping £6.50
Any excess Shipping charge will be refunded.